How We Help People Like You

We help busy professionals get organized, maximize their resources, and plan for the future.

Toucan may be right for you if…

You may be skeptical about the cost or value of hiring a financial advisor.

Know that financial planning is important, but have little excess time to dedicate to it.

You want advice and a second set of eyes on your bigger decisions. 

You want greater clarity and confidence around your finances and taxes.

Partner with a relatable, approachable advisor
closer in age & stage to you and your lifestyle who will:

  • Provide accessible, actionable advice, including how to harness the power of compounding returns.
  • Help you take full advantage of your employment benefits
  • Work with you to reduce fees and taxes on your investment returns
  • Help you find ways to save that you may not have considered, like powerful credit card rewards and banking opportunities (all unconflicted advice)
  • Optimize your tax planning: annual gifting, strategic Roth conversions, planned charitable giving, and more
  • Plan an efficient retirement spending strategy across Social Security, tax-deferred, tax-free and taxable investment accounts
  • Help you embrace and enjoy the resources you have––travel, vacations, a second-home––while ensuring you’re set up for success 10, 20, and 30 years down the road
  • Create systems and simplify access to all your key documents so you and your loved ones are prepared for anything

We help young professionals with above-average income have fun and still know they’re saving enough.

  • You enjoy investing but have been surprised by taxation of short-term capital gains or dramatic swings in stock (or crypto) markets
  • You want to buy a home, eliminate student loans, and still travel
  • Credit card debt is proving hard to shake
  • You want to take take full advantage of your employment benefits but aren’t precisely sure how


Partner with a relatable approachable advisor closer in age & stage to you and your lifestyle. We can help you:

  • Understand how fees and taxes (portfolio turnover) reduce your investment returns
  • Provide accessible, actionable advice, including how to harness the power of compounding returns.
  • Help you find ways to save that you may not have known about (employer retirement matches, Backdoor Roth IRA, credit card points and miles, and more.)
  • Automate monthly actions to “pay yourself first”, providing confidence to spend the remainder.

We help busy professionals with their hands full get organized, invest appropriately, and plan for risk.

  • You’re beginning to think about retirement, know that planning is important, but have little excess time to dedicate to long meetings and complex spreadsheets.
  • As the stakes have gotten higher with children, home ownership, and full work schedules you want advice & a second set of eyes on your biggest decisions.
  • You may be skeptical about the cost or value of hiring a financial advisor
  • You want greater clarity and confidence around your finances and taxes, and you don’t want to leave money on the table.


Partner with a financial advisor who will meet on your terms (text, Zoom, email, phone) and cut to the chase: just the facts and action items to grow your wealth efficiently. We can help you:

  • With a comprehensive review and regular check-ins to reduce your existing investment fees.
  • Understand the benefits of working with an expert advisor without an allegiance to a bank platform.
  • Tax-efficiently reposition public stocks and bonds in more passive vehicles, cutting costs by as much as 50%.
  • Get organized for the worst-case scenarios, including finding the right disability insurance, life insurance, and will/estate planning, even helping to establish efficient trusts.
  • Leverage credit card points & miles for family vacations without compromising your savings goals.

We help families in their middle years get clarity on lifetime earnings, their retirement needs and progress, and support the next generation.

  • Your financial life has become more complex with marriage, businesses, growing children, college planning, and more.
  • You’re in your peak earning years, focused on building wealth but with substantial expenses compared to ten years ago
  • You don’t want to pay any more in taxes than you must
  • You’re considering a larger home, a second home, or even changing residency (NY to FL, for example)
  • You’re wondering if you have flexibility around your retirement date, and may be interested in financial security for yourself but also for your children.
  • Interest in a second opinion on their financial readiness & if there’s flexibility around retirement date
    • Simplify and consolidate investment accounts
    • Interested in saving for specific stretch goals – retirement home purchase
    • Understand healthcare needs if they choose to retire before eligibility for Social Security


Partner with an advisor who’s been working with people like you for more than a decade. We can help:

  • Balance continuing to save and invest for the future with enjoyment of the present.
  • With a comprehensive portfolio review to reduce existing investment fees and clarify what you’re paying and what you’re paying for (services received).
  • Get advice on appropriate budget and planning concerns around big purchases or moving state of residency.
  • Provide tax efficient methods for greater philanthropic pursuits and community involvement.

Recently retired. New found freedom. Empty nesters.

  • Value trust, security and accessibility to their advisor.
  • Trying to balance desire to de-risk (can’t earn their money again) but longer life expectancy.
  • Optimize tax planning: annual gifting to Roth conversions, social security timing, charitable giving
  • Access to all their key documents to assist the next gen is prepared/informed
  • Routine portfolio services like rebalancing and funding monthly withdrawals in retirement
  • Interested in travel. Want to travel well and would like to understand how points and miles can help.
  • Value-added services – bill pay/coordination w/ tax/legal advisors. Is everyone on the same page?
  • Accelerating expenses related to adult children – weddings, family travel, home down payment etc.


What & how we helped

  • Focused spending on the first 15 years of retirement; identified declining expense profile after 80yo
  • Established efficient drawdown strategy across SS, tax-deferred, tax-free & taxable accounts.
    • Worked to revise their wills to incorporate new family members and update organization.
  • Established access to a low-cost line of credit for cash flow management purposes.

Financial Planning for Young Professionals

We help young professionals with above-average income have fun and still know they’re saving enough.

  • You enjoy investing but have been surprised by taxation of short-term capital gains or dramatic swings in stock (or crypto) markets
  • You want to buy a home, eliminate student loans, and still travel
  • Credit card debt is proving hard to shake
  • You want to take take full advantage of your employment benefits but aren’t precisely sure how

Partner with a relatable approachable advisor closer in age & stage to you and your lifestyle. We can help you:

  • Understand how fees and taxes (portfolio turnover) reduce your investment returns
  • Provide accessible, actionable advice, including how to harness the power of compounding returns.
  • Help you find ways to save that you may not have known about (employer retirement matches, Backdoor Roth IRA, credit card points and miles, and more.)
  • Automate monthly actions to “pay yourself first”, providing confidence to spend the remainder.

Partner with a relatable approachable advisor closer in age & stage to you and your lifestyle. We can help you:

  • Understand how fees and taxes (portfolio turnover) reduce your investment returns
  • Provide accessible, actionable advice, including how to harness the power of compounding returns.
  • Help you find ways to save that you may not have known about (employer retirement matches, Backdoor Roth IRA, credit card points and miles, and more.)
  • Automate monthly actions to “pay yourself first”, providing confidence to spend the remainder.

Financial Planning for Young Families

We help busy professionals with their hands full get organized, invest appropriately, and plan for risk.

  • You’re beginning to think about retirement, know that planning is important, but have little excess time to dedicate to long meetings and complex spreadsheets.
  • As the stakes have gotten higher with children, home ownership, and full work schedules you want advice & a second set of eyes on your biggest decisions.
  • You may be skeptical about the cost or value of hiring a financial advisor
  • You want greater clarity and confidence around your finances and taxes, and you don’t want to leave money on the table.

Partner with a financial advisor who will meet on your terms (text, Zoom, email, phone) and cut to the chase: just the facts and action items to grow your wealth efficiently. We can help you:

  • With a comprehensive review and regular check-ins to reduce your existing investment fees.
  • Understand the benefits of working with an expert advisor without an allegiance to a bank platform.
  • Tax-efficiently reposition public stocks and bonds in more passive vehicles, cutting costs by as much as 50%.
  • Get organized for the worst-case scenarios, including finding the right disability insurance, life insurance, and will/estate planning, even helping to establish efficient trusts.
  • Leverage credit card points & miles for family vacations without compromising your savings goals.


Partner with a financial advisor who will meet on your terms (text, Zoom, email, phone) and cut to the chase: just the facts and action items to grow your wealth efficiently. We can help you:

  • With a comprehensive review and regular check-ins to reduce your existing investment fees.
  • Understand the benefits of working with an expert advisor without an allegiance to a bank platform.
  • Tax-efficiently reposition public stocks and bonds in more passive vehicles, cutting costs by as much as 50%.
  • Get organized for the worst-case scenarios, including finding the right disability insurance, life insurance, and will/estate planning, even helping to establish efficient trusts.
  • Leverage credit card points & miles for family vacations without compromising your savings goals.

Financial Planning for Accumulators

We help families in their middle years get clarity on lifetime earnings, their retirement needs and progress, and support the next generation.

  • Your financial life has become more complex with marriage, businesses, growing children, college planning, and more.
  • You’re in your peak earning years, focused on building wealth but with substantial expenses compared to ten years ago
  • You don’t want to pay any more in taxes than you must
  • You’re considering a larger home, a second home, or even changing residency (NY to FL, for example)
  • You’re wondering if you have flexibility around your retirement date, and may be interested in financial security for yourself but also for your children.
  • Interest in a second opinion on their financial readiness & if there’s flexibility around retirement date
    • Simplify and consolidate investment accounts
    • Interested in saving for specific stretch goals – retirement home purchase
    • Understand healthcare needs if they choose to retire before eligibility for Social Security

Partner with an advisor who’s been working with people like you for more than a decade. We can help:

  • Balance continuing to save and invest for the future with enjoyment of the present.
  • With a comprehensive portfolio review to reduce existing investment fees and clarify what you’re paying and what you’re paying for (services received).
  • Get advice on appropriate budget and planning concerns around big purchases or moving state of residency.
  • Provide tax efficient methods for greater philanthropic pursuits and community involvement.

Financial Planning for Retirees

Recently retired. New found freedom. Empty nesters.

  • Value trust, security and accessibility to their advisor.
  • Trying to balance desire to de-risk (can’t earn their money again) but longer life expectancy.
  • Optimize tax planning: annual gifting to Roth conversions, social security timing, charitable giving
  • Access to all their key documents to assist the next gen is prepared/informed
  • Routine portfolio services like rebalancing and funding monthly withdrawals in retirement
  • Interested in travel. Want to travel well and would like to understand how points and miles can help.
  • Value-added services – bill pay/coordination w/ tax/legal advisors. Is everyone on the same page?
  • Accelerating expenses related to adult children – weddings, family travel, home down payment etc.

What & how we helped

  • Focused spending on the first 15 years of retirement; identified declining expense profile after 80yo
  • Established efficient drawdown strategy across SS, tax-deferred, tax-free & taxable accounts.
    • Worked to revise their wills to incorporate new family members and update organization.
  • Established access to a low-cost line of credit for cash flow management purposes.

We are a family office for everyone. Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Note: The above case studies are hypothetical and do not involve an actual Toucan Financial client. No portion of the content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that they will experience the same results or satisfaction if Toucan Financial is engaged to provide investment advisory services.