Our Fees and Services

Toucan was founded on the principle that everyone deserves a family office.

The value of a traditional family office lies in independent, trusted, expert and conflict-free financial advice.

Shouldn’t everyone want that?

Unconflicted, Lower-Cost Advice
Aligned With Your Growth

For on-going financial advice, retirement planning, and investment management.

  • Financial Planning: Understand your goals, then plan for them with comprehensive retirement planning.
  • Financial Advice: From banking to credit card rewards, we can often offset some of Toucan’s fees based on these strategies alone.
  • Investment Advice and Management: We favor passive over active in public markets and emphasize militaristic tax planning, with low turnover/churn.

Assets, not just
Assets Under Management (AUM)

As you evaluate your options in the world of financial advice and wealth management, you’ll hear one phrase over and over again: Assets Under Management or “AUM”.

AUM refers to the investments and cash you place with a traditional investment advisor or wealth manager. Traditional wealth managers want all of your assets at one place –– with them –– and they charge 1% (or more) annually to manage those investments.

We do it differently.

By aligning our fee to your assets, we solve a variety of pain points and misaligned compensation structures in the world of traditional financial services:

  • No requirement to consolidate your assets with us. We can hold and manage your investments, but this is not a requirement of working with Toucan. No forced IRA roll-overs, fewer messy transfers, and less headache for you. You’ve got a great 401k plan, let’s use it.
  • We advise on your whole balance sheet regardless of where your assets are held, including “untouchable” assets like qualified retirement plans, restricted stock, closely-held & private business, cryptocurrencies, etc.
  • We view banking and brokerage firms as a commodity. If you like your existing bank, keep them. If you would like a new bank, we can gladly help you find the best fit.
  • By focusing on net worth, our advice can be relied on to grow your net worth. We only win when you do.
  • We offer compelling value. Our fees typically range from a two-thirds to half the cost of traditional wealth management firms––with more value-added services.

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